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 Every year Congress passes scores of new laws dealing with a huge variety of issues from national security to the economy. In the midst of this, it is all too easy for legislation intended to protect children from abuse and neglect to fall by the wayside. For this reason it is vital that we keep the pressure on members of Congress to pass much needed laws designed to protect the most innocent and defenseless in society – our children.

Loopholes in current laws allow for most arrested sex offenders to never go to trial or serve an average of less than five years in prison.

We urge state and federal lawmakers to:

1. Pass laws that provide free trauma therapy for all victims of sexual abuse.

2. Pass laws that ensure life long sentences for violent sex abusers.

3. Pass laws that require all sexual abuse to be reported.

4. Pass laws that completely abolish statutes of limitations for both criminal and civil sexual abuse.

5. Pass laws to force internet providers who have the capability to identify child pornography to stop and report the streaming to law enforcement.

6. Pass laws to criminalize and hold civilly liable organizations that knowingly allow registered or admitted sex offenders access to children within the separation distance required by law.

7. Pass laws that help to educate all students regarding their rights to report sex abuse and defend themselves against sex abusers.

Let Your Voice be Heard

Send a letter to your representative in three steps. (1) Click the button to the below. (2) Enter your zip code in the top of the new window to find your representative, then (3) click on the mail icon to send a message.

Not sure what to say? Check this out.

Copy and paste the letter into the message field of the contact form. Be sure to enter the name of your representative at the start of the message, and sign your name at the end. Thank you for helping us to End Sex Abuse.


Success Story


Chelsea’s Law was passed in California…

thanks to people who want to end sex abuse, like you. The video above was played at Chelsea King’s memorial service. In the weeks following the service, busloads of people traveled to Sacramento with sunflowers (Chelsea’s favorite flower) in hand to try to pass Chelsea’s Law. This united action led to Governor Schwarzenegger signing Chelsea’s Law, thus leading to increased punishments for perpetrators of child sex abuse. Your voice matters in the fight to End Sex Abuse!